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It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed

Happy midweek everyone!!!!

Today in the morning I was just thinking about the fact that we often do not notice that God has answered our prayers because we are too busy fixating on the answer we expect. The gift of life itself is an answered prayer. I say so because God in His infinite mercy has alloed us to see another day for us to behold His power and good nature. If you are ill, it is God who allows you to go to bed and wake up because that infection could have killed you. So each day before you face the world, face God in prayer and take time to meditate on the good things that He has done for us and not always fixate on our problems. Dear reader I wish you all of God’s blessings for the reat of the week. Read for todat Jeremiah 29:11. ... to give you hope and a future, that is what He wants. Be blessed 

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